
Hi, my name is Jake Tashjian.

I grew up on the clas­sic com­e­dy greats like The Three Stooges, Jer­ry Lewis, Buster Keaton, and many oth­ers. This led me to an obses­sion with the zany antics of pop­u­lar car­toon series like Looney Tunes, Sponge­Bob, and Ren and Stimpy. This love of com­e­dy and car­toons fueled my love of draw­ing and I’ve been cre­at­ing my own char­ac­ters and sto­ries ever since.

For many years my mom and I col­lab­o­rat­ed on books togeth­er like the MY LIFE AS… series and the EINSTEIN THE CLASS HAMSTER series.

Since 2015, I’ve been with Mon­tage Pub­lish­ing as their pri­ma­ry illus­tra­tor, work­ing close­ly with the enig­mat­ic P.T. Evans. Togeth­er we’ve pub­lished books like the EMOJI ADVENTURES series, the STINKY STEVE series, and the MINECAT series.

In the sum­mer of 2016, I helped cre­ate Work­shop 2.0, a non prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that helps peo­ple on the autism spec­trum use their cre­ative skills to make a living.

In part­ner­ship with Work­shop 2.0 I pub­lished my first solo book, BOBBY IN THE LOBBY. Writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by me, it’s the first book in the WHERE AM I? series which includes VALERIE IN THE GALLERY and AZIZ ON THE TRAPEZE (com­ing soon!).

Cur­rent­ly, I’m devel­op­ing new books for both Work­shop 2.0 and Mon­tage Pub­lish­ing, as well as an orig­i­nal web com­ic for my own website.

You can learn more about Work­shop 2.0 at www.workshop20.org or click here to donate.