Einstein the Class Hamster Series

An uproar­i­ous series by dynam­ic duo Janet and Jake Tashjian. Ned is the only boy in class that can under­stand their ham­ster Ein­stein, who just hap­pens to be quite bril­liant. Fol­low these best friends as they get into absurd sit­u­a­tions with hilar­i­ous results.

Book 1: Einstein the Class Hamster

Ein­stein the class ham­ster is from a long line of class ham­sters. He knows lots of cool facts about sci­ence, art, and history―maybe even more than their sleepy teacher, Ms. Moreno. The class has a chance to com­pete in a triv­ia game show con­test. But how can they get ready for the con­test if Ms. Moreno keeps tak­ing naps instead of teach­ing? More impor­tant, how can Ein­stein help the class pre­pare for the con­test when the only kid who can hear him is Ned?

Book 2: Einstein the Class Hamster and the Very Real Game Show

Fol­low Ms. Moreno’s class as they face off against the stu­dents of Crack­er­jack Ele­men­tary on the hit game show Kids Know Stuff. But when Prin­ci­pal Deck­er sneaks Twin­kles the python into the stu­dio, there’s wide­spread pan­ic; the show’s host is afraid of snakes and walks off the set. Now is Einstein’s chance to shine! With the assis­tance of a sound engi­neer who can also hear Ein­stein, Ned and Mar­lon help Ein­stein get ready to host the show and save the day. But some­thing goes wrong. Does Ein­stein have … STAGE FRIGHT? Oh no! Ned and Mar­lon must find a way to help Ein­stein and win the game show.

Book 3: Einstein the Class Hamster
Saves the Library

It’s anoth­er day at Boer­ring Ele­men­tary: Ein­stein the class ham­ster, lover of fun facts, is get­ting ready for his game show when in walks Prin­ci­pal Deck­er with some bad news. Due to severe bud­get cuts, the school library will be closed for the rest of the year.

How is this pos­si­ble? The library is the heart of the school! Ein­stein is deter­mined to find a way to save the library. With the help of Mar­lon the tur­tle, his friend Ned, and Ms. Moreno’s entire class, plans are put in motion!