Hannah Sharpe, Cartoon Detective

Hannah Sharpe, Cartoon Detective

Young car­toon­ist Han­nah Sharpe has many strengths: she’s curi­ous, cre­ative, has an amaz­ing mem­o­ry, and most important—she notices things. When Doug Williams moves into her family’s Airbnb, Han­nah can’t shake the feel­ing that he’s got some­thing to hide. But his girl­friend, Remy Fur­ta­do, couldn’t be nicer or more help­ful. As Han­nah inves­ti­gates, often with her sketch­book in hand, she makes a series of unset­tling dis­cov­er­ies involv­ing stolen pack­ages, changed key­pad codes, and hid­den stacks of cash. Can Han­nah crack the case and unfold the mys­tery on her own?