MineCat Series

Ever won­der what hap­pens when your cat gets trapped inside your com­put­er? Fol­low Spike the Cat as he explores the oth­er side of the screen.
Illus­trat­ed by me and writ­ten by the zany P.T. Evans.

Book 1: A Feline Minecraft Adventure

Spike is an indoor cat who’s been watch­ing Jason play Minecraft for years. But one day, Spike spawns into Jason’s game. The finicky cat isn’t too hap­py with the Minecraft world Jason’s cre­at­ed and makes some changes of his own.

It doesn’t take long before Spike goes from ocelot bait to King of the Jun­gle. Will he decide to stay in the won­der­ful world of Minecraft? Can he stay clear of the zom­bies and creep­ers? What would YOUR cat do???

Book 2: Sugar Cane Rush

Spike the cat is back in Minecraft! But instead of the excit­ing jun­gle adven­ture he’s hop­ing for, Spike is attacked by Zom­bies, Skele­tons, and Ender­men – all before lunch! Will the curi­ous cat get a chance to explore and build in peace? Or will he use up his nine lives just try­ing to survive?