My Life As… Series

A book series writ­ten by Janet Tashjian and illus­trat­ed by me. The series focus­es on teach­ing kids with read­ing dis­abil­i­ties dif­fer­ent vocab­u­lary words in a fun and enter­tain­ing way!

Book 1: My Life as a Book

Summer’s final­ly here, and Derek Fal­lon is look­ing for­ward to pelt­ing the UPS truck with water bal­loons, climb­ing onto the garage roof, and con­duct­ing sil­ly inves­ti­ga­tions. But when his par­ents decide to send him to Learn­ing Camp, Derek’s dreams of fun come to an end. Ever since he’s been labeled a “reluc­tant read­er,” his mom has pushed him to read “real” books-some­thing oth­er than his beloved Calvin & Hobbes.

As Derek forges unex­pect­ed friend­ships and uncov­ers a fam­i­ly secret involv­ing him­self (in dia­pers! no less), he real­izes that adven­tures and sur­pris­es are around the cor­ner, com­plete with curve balls. My Life as a Book is a 2011 Bank Street – Best Children’s Book of the Year.

Book 2: My Life as a Stuntboy

Derek Fal­lon gets the oppor­tu­ni­ty of a lifetime―to be a stunt boy in a major movie fea­tur­ing a pret­ty teen star­let. After accept­ing the job he learns that he is the star’s stunt dou­ble and must wear a wig! His friends are nev­er going to let him live this down. If that weren’t his only prob­lem, his par­ents are threat­en­ing to give away his pet mon­key, and his best friend just post­ed an embar­rass­ing video of him on Youtube. Can life get any worse? Still the irre­press­ible Derek takes it all in stride and even man­ages to save the day.

Book 3: My Life as a Cartoonist

There’s a new kid in Derek Fallon’s class. His name is Umber­to and he uses a wheel­chair. Derek’s fam­i­ly is still fos­ter­ing Frank the mon­key, and Derek thinks it would be great to train Frank to assist Umber­to. But Derek quick­ly real­izes that Umber­to is def­i­nite­ly not look­ing for any help. Derek soon becomes the butt of Umberto’s jokes. On top of that, Umber­to starts steal­ing Derek’s car­toon ideas and claim­ing them as his own. How did Derek get him­self into this mess, and how can he find a way out before he is the laugh­ing­stock of school? The answer may very well be his car­toon strip―SUPER FRANK!

Book 4: My Life as a Joke

Derek Fal­lon dis­cov­ers all the angst that comes with being twelve―he just wants to feel grown up, but life gets in the way with a series of mishaps that make him look like a baby. He pass­es out dur­ing a worm dis­sec­tion in sci­ence class, falls flat on his face in gym class and gets a fat lip that caus­es him to lisp all day, and his plans for a mon­ster-truck par­ty turn into a boun­cy house dis­as­ter. Why isn’t being in mid­dle school as great as Derek imag­ined? Thank­ful­ly, with a lit­tle help from his friends―and, iron­i­cal­ly, a Toys for Tots fundraiser―things seem like they could start shap­ing up at last.

Book 5: My Life as a Gamer

Derek Fal­lon gets the chance of a lifetime―to par­tic­i­pate in a gam­ing com­pa­ny focus group and to test out a new video game called “Arc­tic Nin­ja.” Togeth­er with his friends Car­ly, Matt, and Umber­to, Derek thinks his gam­ing tal­ents will be show­cased. But he soon real­izes that every­one has got him beat, includ­ing whiz kid El Cid. On top of that, school read­ing tests have begun and Derek feels dou­bly off his game. Isn’t there any­thing he’s good at?

Book 6: My Life as a Ninja!

Derek Fal­lon has expand­ed his taste in car­toons to the world of man­ga and ani­me. Togeth­er with his friends Car­ly, Matt, and Umber­to, Derek has fun learn­ing about all the cool aspects of nin­ja culture.

When some­one starts van­dal­iz­ing their school with graf­fi­ti of a mis­chie­vous troll-like fig­ure, these nin­jas-in-train­ing are con­vinced they’ll be able to crack the case. But it turns out that being a nin­ja is a lot more work than they thought, and this adven­ture brings about new oppor­tu­ni­ties for Derek to embar­rass him­self. For once, can he be the hero that saves the day?

Book 7: My Life as a Youtuber

Derek Fal­lon final­ly found some­thing to get excit­ed about at school―an extracur­ric­u­lar class on mak­ing videos! Togeth­er with his friends Car­ly, Matt, and Umber­to, Derek can’t wait to cre­ate his own Youtube web series. But he soon real­izes Youtube star­dom is a lot of work. On top of that, it’s time for his fos­ter mon­key Frank to go to mon­key col­lege so Derek must scram­ble to find a rea­son for Frank to stay with his family―if only a lit­tle while longer. Can Derek solve both prob­lems at once? What if Frank became a part of Derek’s Youtube videos?

Here’s anoth­er fun­ny and thought­ful nov­el in the series that cen­ters around most every tween today’s pastime―Youtube!

Book 8: My Life as a Meme

Derek Fal­lon loves mak­ing fun­ny memes, but when he finds him­self the joke of a viral meme, he real­izes how easy it is to offend oth­ers using this plat­form. Derek decides to con­front the cre­ator of the hurt­ful meme, all dur­ing the back­drop of a fire evac­u­a­tion that has put him in the same place as his meme bul­ly. Here is anoth­er thought­ful, fun­ny, and time­ly adven­ture in the life of the ever-lov­ing, ever-mis­chie­vous Derek Fallon.

Book 9: My Life as a Coder

Derek Fal­lon receives an excit­ing new gift–a lap­top! But there’s a catch: it has no Wi-Fi so he can’t use it for gam­ing. If he wants to play com­put­er games, he’ll have to learn how to code them him­self. Anoth­er unfor­get­table adven­ture awaits in Book 9 of the My Life series, this time involv­ing tech and coding!

Book 10: My Life as a Billionaire

Derek Fal­lon won the lot­tery and now gets to split over a bil­lion dol­lars with a friend―the buy­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties are endless―skateboards!, sneak­ers! video games!, a back­yard skate­board park!!!―let the shop­ping begin. But Derek is soon chal­lenged with new obsta­cles that he hadn’t thought of before. Hav­ing mon­ey to spend should make his life eas­i­er but it’s bring­ing with it lots of anx­i­ety. It’s up to Derek to find a bal­ance with his new­found wealth, and to con­sid­er the best ways to spend his money.